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South Florida Introduces Surfer Styled Hoops Uni

The University of South Florida (USF) wants to bring a little surfer style—or So-Flo, as they say—to Madison Square Garden on Tuesday. Debuting new Under Armour-designed uniforms, the Big East basketball team will take on Seton Hall in a set of green uniforms that start getting funky in the shorts

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MLB13: The Show Uniforms Preview – AL East

MLB13: The Show for the Sony PlayStation 3 was released in North America earlier this week, a game which prides itself, and almost always delivers, in its high-levels of authenticity. One of the features in the game is the ability to choose one of several uniform designs for any given

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MLS Reveal Week Day 5: Chivas Closes Us Out with Vertical Stripes

MLS Jersey Week drew to a close Friday, with the announcement of probably the most conservative design released all week. Chivas USA showed their navy secondary The jersey is navy, with red details on the neck and red adidas stripes down the sleeve. The Chivas logo is on the player’s left chest,

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MLS Reveal Week Day 3: Embossing, Black and Buttons

Embossing the Space Needle, introducing a black secondary kit and showing off a mosaic of colors highlighted Day 3 of the MLS and adidas uniform Reveal Week. And that was just for the Seattle Sounders. In a day that proved the most prolific so far, with five teams unveiling six

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