SportsLogos.Net News – Page 546 – News and blog on new sports logos and uniforms, rumours, concepts, and history in baseball, basketball, hockey, football, soccer and NCAA at Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page SportsLogos.Net

Navy Releases a Special Uniform for their 2012 Game Against Army

  Navy will again wear special uniform’s for their biggest rivalry game, for the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy against Army, December 8th. The most striking element of the uniform is the gold stripe on the helmet. High in the back, down to the facemask in the front, Navy tells us this is to  mimic the

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Arizona Going “Red-Out” vs Arizona State – Wearing All Red

A first since 1980, the Arizona Wildcats will wear a red helmet as part of their “RedOut” promotion for their game against Arizona State Saturday. The Arizona football Twitter account tweeted a couple pics, including QB Matt Scott holding the helmet. The crowd is being encouraged to join the team

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Phantoms Move Again, Tweak Logo, Ditch Purple

The Adirondack Phantoms are scheduled to move for the 2014 season and will keep their mascot and primary logo. The team name changes to reflect the change of location, though again to an “area” name, rather than the city of location. Originally an expansion team bought by the owners of

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Maryland Reveals ‘Black Ops’ Uniforms For FSU Game

The Maryland Terrapins, continuing their drive to be the ‘Oregon of the East’ have announced yet another special uniform, this time in ‘Black Ops’ fashion for their upcoming game against Florida State. While the name is pure hokum, the new look seems to be comparatively clean and tasteful. Though, compared to some uniforms this

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NBA’s “BIG Color” Jerseys a BIG Ugly Cash Grab

I tend to feel when a new design, or jersey is unveiled that the team genuinely wanted to do something to make the fans happy or try to turn their club in a new direction rather than say just try to cash in on a quick buck through new merchandise sales.  I’m

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