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OKC Barons Unveil Edmonton-Inspired Third Jersey

The Oklahoma City Barons, American Hockey League affiliate of the NHL’s Edmonton Oilers, unveiled a new third jersey during a fan “open house” event at their home arena on Tuesday night with images uploaded to the Twitter account of reporter Eric Rodgers. Borrowing heavily from design elements used by the parent

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A’s Honour Pitcher’s Infant Son with Jersey Patch

While the Oakland Athletics were celebrating their come-from-behind AL West Championship last week pitcher Pat Neshek couldn’t be further away from the joy being experienced by his teammates in the Bay Area. Neshek and his wife had just lost their first and only son, Gehrig John Neshek, who was only

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Pics: Notre Dame’s “Shamrock Series” Uniforms In Action

The Notre Dame Fighting Irish took to the field this past Saturday in their special “Shamrock Series” uniforms courtesy the design guys over at adidas TECHFIT; described as “abandoning all tradition” and “gimmicky” after their unveil by our very own J.R. Francis. The main, unique feature is the bi-colour helmet,

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Louisville Basketball Will Have New Uniforms for 2012-2013 Season

What you see here are new uniforms by Adidas for the Louisville basketball team for the 2012-2013 season. Despite changing uniforms for the playoffs last year, having folks assume those were the unis for the following year we are about to begin, a new set has been “leaked.” Kenny Klein,

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Nuggets Mine Their Past, Skyline Logo Returns on New Alt Jersey

The Denver Nuggets long lost, but never forgotten, skyline logo has returned today with the introduction of their new alternate jersey. Unlike the original skyline jersey, which was worn between the 1982/83 and 1992/93 seasons and were navy blue, these new jerseys are yellow – a better match for the

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New Portland TrailBlazers Alt Represents “Speed”, “Agressive Competition”

The Portland Trail Blazers today unveiled their new red alternate jerseys, just a few days after teasing us all via social media with a few pics here and there.  The jersey was unveiled at the teams annual Media Event. These new red uniforms replace the red alternates worn by the

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New Toronto Marlies Alts Hit Close to Home

Over the weekend the Toronto Marlies, AHL affiliate to the Toronto Maple Leafs, unveiled a new alternate jersey for their upcoming 2012-13 season and thankfully this one doesn’t have a cartoon dog biting a hockey puck on it like the last one did. The jersey is a direct copy (minus

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