SportsLogos.Net News – Page 563 – News and blog on new sports logos and uniforms, rumours, concepts, and history in baseball, basketball, hockey, football, soccer and NCAA at Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page SportsLogos.Net

Diamondbacks to Wear Purple Throwbacks in September

The Arizona Diamondbacks will continue their annual Turn Back the Clock game tradition this September when they will don purple uniforms. Chosen via a fan vote on their official website the D-Backs, the jerseys originally worn as an alternate uniform from 1998-2002, are purple with “ARIZONA” across the front in

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Oklahoma City Thunder 2012 NBA Phantom Champs Merchandise

Well Lebron finally did it, he and his merry men of Miami were able to win their first of seven consecutive NBA championships last night in a 5-game series win over the Oklahoma City Thunder. The Miami Heat and their 2012 NBA Championship merchandise is available for sale at the

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Tampa Bay Rays Unveil 1979 Unis; Tigers to Turn Back Too

The Tampa Bay Rays today unveiled their 1979 “fauxback” uniforms that they’ll be wearing next Saturday, June 30th against the Detroit Tigers. SportsLogos.Net reported on this news over two weeks ago and now we’re pleased to be able to finally share the photo with everyone.  In case you are unaware,

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Charlotte (Bob)cats Unveil New Uniforms

The Charlotte Bobcats have unveiled their new uniform set for the 2012-13 NBA season. Courtesy a set of photos from The Charlotte Observer we have our first look at the new jerseys for the upcoming year. The most noticeable change is the shortening of the team nickname on the home jerseys, having

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Photos: Rangers and Astros Turn Back to 1986

The Texas Rangers and Houston Astros, both celebrating anniversary seasons (Texas 40th, Houston 50th) turned back the clock to 1986 last night in an Interleague Major League Baseball game at The Ballpark in Arlington. The 1986 season was a special one for the Houston Astros, not only did the team

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2012 Olympic Uniform Review: Great Britain

While the athletes prepare for the “Big Show” we here at SportsLogos.Net will be taking a look at some of the official team uniforms unveiled for the upcoming London Olympics. From the looks of it, we’ve got something for everyone….from the boring to the ridiculous. First up, and fittingly so,

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Nike Unveils Faster US Track Unis for 2012 Olympics

Designed to shave off seconds of a sprinter’s time, Nike yesterday unveiled the new track and field uniforms for Team USA’s 2012 Summer Olympic team. According to Nike, the new uniform is capable of “shaving up to 0.023 seconds off 100-meter sprint times”; that may not sound like a lot,

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