Christmas 2011: Showing off Sports Logo Gifts
The big day has come and gone, Santa has paid his visits leaving all sorts of treasures along the way. Among those treasures, for the sports fan out there, is usually some team merchandise – whether it be something small like pyjamas, a pair of socks or a toothbrush, or
Merry Christmas from SportsLogos.Net
Yup, that’s me, proudly showing off my Montreal Expos stocking nine years ago today – December 25, 2002. Whatever happened to that team? To all those that celebrate the Christmas holiday, a very merry Christmas to you and yours from all of us here at SportsLogos.Net. May your loved ones
Foogos Friday: Welcome Back NBA (I Guess)
My previous draft was a much more scathing write-up on my personal thoughts of the NBA (bah humbug!), but it’s Christmas, and I really have no bitterness to the bland sport that features the largest collection of prima donnas and opposite-of-tough athletes in North America today. Well, I sorta take
2011 MLB Uniform Year-In-Review: Part One
As we wind-down and enter the last few days of the year, what better time than now to reflect upon this past year in baseball logos and uniforms? Nearly every team in the Bigs did something new or special uniform-wise during the course of the 2011 Major League Baseball season,
NBA: Heat, Mavs, Kings Unveil New Uniforms
In case you missed it the National Basketball Association lockout is over and the abbreviated 2011-12 season is getting underway later this week. In the past few days we’ve had several teams unveil new alternate jerseys and jersey patches, I’ve already told you about the new Utah Jazz green alternate
Foogos Friday: Maine Mariners
There’s three reasons I love the Maine Mariners’ logo. 1. There are hardly any classic AHL logos out there… or any minor league logos for that matter. Most minors’ logos are vector drawing contests: detailed caricatures of various animals; flashy wordmarks; and the inclusion of a hockey stick/puck, basketball, baseball/bat
My Twelve Days of Baseball Gifts
The twelve days of Christmas are upon us and we all know how the classic song of the same name goes. In it the singer recites all the lavish gifts given to them by their true love over the course of twelve days. As great as it would be to
Utah Jazz Unveil New Jersey; Debuts Dec 30
The Utah Jazz unveiled a new green alternate jersey today at an open house event in Salt Lake City’s EnergySolutions Arena. The new jersey is an homage to the green road jersey the team originally wore beginning with the 1981/82 season through the 1983-84 season. The Jazz have yet to
Albert, Prince: Consider Your Look When Choosing Your Team
Baseball’s annual winter meetings are in full swing and as you’ve seen around here, the rumour mill is buzzing with who’s going where and for how much. The two biggest names out there responsible for most of the hoopla are Albert Pujols and Prince Fielder, both first basemen who can
My NHL Re-Alignment Proposal
With the National Hockey League set to vote on a new re-alignment for the 2012-13 season, I figured I’d take this opportunity to chime in with my two cents on what I’d like to see the league do. So far the rumours I’m hearing sound promising, a four-conference or division
Foogos: A Rocky Start to the Week
The corny titles must end! I don’t know why I find amusement in making these awful puns. I know there is not one person on earth who reads them and thinks, “Oh wow, that’s clever/funny/witty!” No one. At all. I guess the best way that I can describe it is
MLB12 Screenshots Showcase New MLB Unis
Thanks to a post on ESPN showcasing screenshots from the upcoming PlayStation3 video game MLB12: The Show we have a look at some of the new 2012 Major League Baseball uniforms in action, virtual action. Toronto Blue Jays Baltimore Orioles San Diego Padres Miami Marlins