SportsLogos.Net News – Page 582 – News and blog on new sports logos and uniforms, rumours, concepts, and history in baseball, basketball, hockey, football, soccer and NCAA at Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page SportsLogos.Net

Logo Links: Bills Unis, NHL Alignment, ECHL, NBA

Goooood Monday morning everyone, here’s the this-and-that in the world of sports logos, etc. One of the worst kept secrets was unveiled on Friday as the Buffalo Bills showed off their new-old uniform design, as predicted waaaay back in February it’s a white helmet with the current logo, royal blue

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NHL Draf… New Jerseys Day 2011!

NHL Draft Day has arrived and with that we get our first glimpse of several “new” NHL jerseys for the upcoming season. Story of the day, of course, Winnipeg! The Winnipeg Jets will be the new name as announced during the draft and subsequently via a press release.  Along with

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Logo Links: Los Cerveceros, Jets Again?, Man U Leak, UND-NCAA Battle

Happy Monday! Not a lot of news over the past few days but we still have some links for you to get caught up with the latest in logos and uniform happenings since our last post: The Milwaukee Brewers broke out gold Spanish jerseys last week; you can buy the

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