SportsLogos.Net News – Page 583 – News and blog on new sports logos and uniforms, rumours, concepts, and history in baseball, basketball, hockey, football, soccer and NCAA at Chris Creamer's Sports Logos Page SportsLogos.Net

Logo Links: Memorial Cup, Winnipeg NHL, MLS, NCAA and more

Happy Friday morning everyone, hope you all had a great week – certainly was a busy week at SportsLogos.Net with the news about the Whiteout and Royals trademarks being filed by various Canadian based hockey teams; we also launched a new search engine on the main site, give it a

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Seahawks looking at changes in 2012

Seattle Seahawks team president Peter McLoughlin commented last week on the Dave Softy Mahler Show that the team has been in talks with Nike about re-designing their uniforms when their contract with Reebok expires after the 2011 NFL season. Just the uniforms though, the logo seems safe: “Certainly the logo

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Top o’the Logo to You

  A Happy Belated St. Patrick’s Day to Everyone! What was once a holiday dedicated to the harmless fun of binge-drinking without remorse is now an annual trotting-out of baseball, basketball and hockey teams in green uniforms (as well as the whole binge-drinking bit); excluding the Oakland A’s, nine teams

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Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo – by Yale Hollander

Brace yourselves, Buffalo sports fans; it’s happening again. As has become nearly ritual over the past decade and a half, one of Buffalo’s major league sports teams is overhauling its uniforms. This time it’s the Bills who will be trotting out redesigned togs when (and if) the NFL resumes play

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