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Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo – by Yale Hollander

Brace yourselves, Buffalo sports fans; it’s happening again. As has become nearly ritual over the past decade and a half, one of Buffalo’s major league sports teams is overhauling its uniforms. This time it’s the Bills who will be trotting out redesigned togs when (and if) the NFL resumes play

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The Return of the Royals to the NBA

So the Sacramento Kings have been wearing their retro “Royals” uniforms every home game for the last 3 weeks, eh? I wonder if that means anything… anyways! Hands up, who here remembers when the NBA’s Cincinnati (nee Rochester) Royals relocated to Kansas City-Omaha? Impressive. Well, it seems history may be

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A not-so-Heritage Classic (the uniforms, that is)

Outdoors hockey! Tomorrow the 2nd octennial Heritage Classic will take place in the frigid outdoor refrigerator most commonly referred to as Calgary, Alberta. They’re calling for a temperature of -22°C tomorrow (-8°F), so that threat of rain they had for the earlier-this-year Winter Classic in Pittsburgh probably won’t be a

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Philadelphia Phillies 2009 Phantom World Champions Merchandise

A small collection of photos of 2009 World Series Championship merchandise that the Philadelphia Phillies would have made available had they won the title. I especially enjoy the “Back to Back” and “The Bell Tolls Twice!” graphics on these items.

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