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Pics: Four MLB clubs wear new unis yesterday

Four teams wore new jerseys for the first time yesterday in Major League Baseball and at least one of them won’t be wearing them again this season. The Milwaukee Brewers debuted their gold alternate jerseys in an extra-inning loss to the Arizona Diamondbacks; the gold jersey is the 4th different

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Brewers Jersey Design Winner Shares His Story

Earlier during this off-season the Milwaukee Brewers held a contest, one which allowed a fan the opportunity to design a uniform to be worn by the club during a Brewers’ Spring Training contest.  That game was finally played this past Friday, a 4-1 loss to the Chicago Cubs at the

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Orioles to Go with Green Hats on Sunday

Many teams wear green related uniform items on St. Patrick’s Day, but this year, the Baltimore Orioles are doing it for a good cause. Sunday, the Orioles play a split-squad game. Both teams will be wearing these hats. Afterwards, the hats will be autographed and auctioned off,  with the proceeds

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MLB13: The Show Uniforms Preview – AL East

MLB13: The Show for the Sony PlayStation 3 was released in North America earlier this week, a game which prides itself, and almost always delivers, in its high-levels of authenticity. One of the features in the game is the ability to choose one of several uniform designs for any given

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Orioles Wearing Earl Weaver Memorial Patch

The Baltimore Orioles began wearing a memorial patch to honor their departed former manager, Earl Weaver last Saturday. The have announced they will wear them throughout the season. At Ed Smith Stadium, the Orioles had a moment of silence for the manager, who died last month at the age of

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The Logocast #24 “Stupid, but neat – and how the Oregon Ducks are ready for a Russian invasion.”

FOLLOW THE LOGOCAST ON TWITTER. FOLLOW THE LOGOCAST ON TUMBLR. LIKE THE LOGOCAST ON FACEBOOK. E-MAIL THE PODCAST.  [audio] In this episode of the Logocast, we talk about the BP hats hitting Spring Training fields, the Jaguars logo change, Oregon spring helmets, the updated Vikings Norseman logo, the Warriors new

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